Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Never before has the question of purpose - "why are we here?" - become so pertinent to the human race as a time like this. It is in the lowly and toughest of times that many look within (internally) for strength and direction when all else without (externally), seem to be falling apart and ask these questions;

"Where Is my place in all of these uncertainty?"
"What role am I created to play in this global scene?"
"What contribution am I expected to make at my current place of work, volunteer group, community, church, family, circle of friends, or school?"

It is funny how the world reacts to such a time as this. Instinctively we do exactly the opposite of what we ought to do every time there is a scarcity of monetary resources. Rather than giving more of ourselves, we tend to withdraw both our scarce (monetary) resources as well as other resources at our disposal and thus limit our possibilities of enjoying abundance in a time of scarcity. We tend to take things slow, more like surrendering ourselves to the prevailing circumstances. Rather than investing more on ourselves and letting the pressure of the scarcity drive us into better opportunities, we simply drift along becoming victims instead of victors of our circumstances.

In a time of scarcity as this, you fight scarcity by doing more with your other resources (such as time, knowledge, natural talents, experience, friends, etc) and sowing your scarce resources (money) on projects, ideas, and any fruitful venture of your choice that releases your potentials. Don't just save your scarce resources in a time of scarcity, INVEST them on your purpose.
 By Tito philip

How can you tell what your purpose is?

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