When someone ask you what is life,the first thing to do is to sit down and rethink,don't give the person intant answer.because the word life have different meaning.but for me,life is a stage by stage,a stair case where some are going up while some are coming down.The first meaning i will give to life is when a christian sees the muslim not as a true servant of God but the demi-believer who will not be saved because he does not recognise jesus as God and supreme salvationist. The muslim sees christian not as a child of God but confused folk who has gone astray from right way because he does not know the different between master and mudane messenger. And to the traditionist,both muslims and the christians are nothing but complete perpetr-ator of evils and villians. In summary,all I know is that:Any religion whatso-ever that moves away from neighbours's love and kindness to vanity upon vanity and futility upon futility.so whatever you are doing do it well.it only God that can reward you.don't think to do bad to your fellow people becausethe good doer and evil doer remember that they can not be rewarded equally the good doer are lovers of God secondly,when we say life is a stage like I have said early where some are active, some are pacesetter,some keep pace with what is going on.why the rest are looker.my friend don't just stay in one position,try to have something to do.though satan will come to bamboozle you but don't allow him to bamboozle you to believe him.believe in God because only God is in control tell satan that he can not bamboozle you to believe him.you have already know satan not only an enemy of progress but is also a something that prevent you from achiving your aims.since you don't believe him so shall everythings will be going on smoothly. But remember not to do bad,because what you do for today will become history of tomorrow.so my fellow people,my advice for you today is to be doing something good always because what you sow is what you will reap.remember evil and the good doer can not be rewarded equally.if you are finding something better to happen to you try to be good to your neighbours.thanks and God bless you as you making a change to your lifestyle.peace.
By Moses
By Moses