Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.

Patience to some,it is time consuming,To others it is uncertain expectation. But to me,it certainly leads to a fabulous gain.

Also Patience means the ability and willingness to endure waiting without complaining or being upset when faced with a difficult or challenging situation. It is a virtue because it is a respectable quality.

Being tolerant does not mean that you allow yourself to tolerate anything that someone does or accepts everything without questioning. It is not about complacency and does not mean that you accept whatever happens in your life without attempting to change.

You wait and accept any delay only after you have done your best and the right thing.
bullet2 Practice acceptance.

At times people disappoint you. Many times your expectation takes time to materialize. No matter how bleak or slow things seem to move, remember that the dark waiting hour is still 60 minutes. It is not what happens that matter but how you react.

Do something constructive while waiting. It keeps your mind and your time occupied and helps you avoid unnecessary stress from worrying and getting yourself uptight.

You need to affirm to yourself that sometimes it takes longer to reach your outcome, see changes or be accepted.

bullet2 Practice Forbearance.
Stay unperturbed when annoyed or provoked.

Bear in mind that little things affect little minds as Benjamin Disraeli quoted. Your ability to always remain cool and unruffled from people who poke and push you shows a high level of tolerance and gives you an advantage over them.

Everyone has his own ways of seeing and interpreting things and each one is the product of his own attitude and values. Even if you disagree with someone, give the person the chance to vent out his anger. What he does to you may only show that he is trying to get or compensate for the lack in his life.

Other people can't break you. Only you can do that to yourself. By maintaining poise and composure, you separate yourself from the crowd.

bullet2 Cultivate faith.
Difficulties and tragedies happen to teach and test your faith. Believe that there is an advantage behind every misfortune, that there is a silver lining.

Stay calm when you are faced with adversities. Find methods or seek advice to help you cope.

You can use the experience to challenge yourself to stay strong and become closer to your creator.
By Moses

Saturday, November 21, 2009

2 linked to Mumbai terror attacks arrested in Italy

Two Pakistani men were arrested in Italy on Saturday for providing logistical support to terrorists who carried out last year's deadly attacks in India, police said.
They were arrested in the northern Italian city of Brescia, said Stefano Fonzi, head of Italy's Division of General Investigations and Special Operations.
On November 25, 2008, the day before the attacks in Mumbai, the pair allegedly transferred $229 that was used to activate Internet phone lines used by the suspects.
Two others connected with the long-standing money transfer agency in Brescia were also arrested for other illegal activity, Fonzi told CNN. Police are looking for a fifth man.
Italian police started their investigation the following month after being alerted by Indian authorities and the FBI that funds had been transferred from Italy, Fonzi said.
Authorities suspected the agency after money was transferred under the Muslim name of a man who had never entered Italy, a police statement said.

The attacks on India's largest city lasted four days. The attackers targeted several sites in Mumbai, taking over several hotels and a Jewish center. The attacks left 160 people dead.
Indian police have said 10 Pakistanis were involved in the deadly assault, nine of whom were killed in the carnage.
The lone surviving suspect has linked the coordinated shooting and bombing incidents to the leader of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, a militant group that is banned in India.

Friday, November 13, 2009


It’s not the same as a vision, for it’s bigger than a vision. Vision is only an instrument of fulfilling purpose. If purpose is the spirit, vision is the body; if purpose is the body, vision is the clothing. Purpose is the end; vision a means to an end. Purpose is life from God’s perspective; Vision is life from man’s perspective. We as humans have visions; God as our maker gives us purpose. Why? So that our vision (pictures of a preferred future) can be in alignment with our purpose (what we were created to originally do). Purpose is what God thinks of your life. The former is how the creator (inventor) sees the life of the creature (invention) while the later is how the creature sees its own life.

Vision is a picture of a preferable future. It is a thing you create with your imagination and then make visible plans on how to achieve it. Vision involves the painting of a better life for yourself and deciding to do all that you can to bring it to pass. Vision is your own making; your role is that of a manufacturer creating a finished product, in this case; a preferable future; a better tomorrow. It’s not by force; it’s a choice. It entails making a choice to pursue the preferred life of your choice. It’s not the same as purpose.

Purpose is not a picture that you paint, it’s a call that must be obeyed – answered. It’s not a thing you created, it’s a thing created for you deposited in you. Purpose is not within your power to create, it’s a thing you discover by asking your maker. Purpose is your destiny; it is a question of intention. And intention is not a matter of choice, but a matter of source. The intention of a thing is not in the hand of the invention (the thing), but in the hand of the inventor (the maker of the thing). You cannot know the purpose (intention) of a thing by asking the thing (invention), but rather by asking the maker of the thing (inventor).

God is our creator and thus the only source of our purpose – intention. It’s only the inventor of a thing that can accurately define and explain the intended use of that thing (purpose). Purpose lies in our source and not in our choice. What does this mean? Purpose is something hidden deep within us by the creator from our very beginning. It is a treasure that is to be discovered. You don’t alter (change) it or choose (pick) it; it’s discovered and thus chooses you. We must therefore make a choice to follow or submit to what we have discovered about ourselves. Since we never made ourselves, we can only search within ourselves to discover what the maker hid in us. Hence, our task as humans is to uncover or discover what it is that we carry within us individually.

Purpose is the reason why the creature exists – the essence of existence. Vision is the dream of the creature – the quest for fulfillment. Purpose is designed from above (God) but discovered here on earth, vision is designed here by man from the inside. Purpose is your intended life; Vision is your preferred life. One is ordained long before you were made, the other you strive to attain after you were made. Purpose is what you are here to do (destiny), vision is how much you want to do what you are here to do (legacy). Purpose is the essence of existence; vision the extent of your existence. It’s not up to you to choose your purpose; it’s assigned to you by the one who intended you. You were neither present nor were aware when your purpose was being defined. It is chosen and determined by your maker without your consent or knowledge.

Purpose is what brought you to existence. You don’t exist to choose your purpose; you exist for a purpose. It’s because there was a need (intention) that’s why you were created (intended) as a solution to that need. You are a solution to an existing problem. You don’t question purpose; you submit, obey purpose. No creature questions the intentions of the creator. Your job on earth is to find and follow your purpose. The usefulness of an invention can only be explained by the inventor and not the other way. Conclusively, purpose is the intent of the creator, and it is to be obeyed and followed.

Nevertheless, choosing your vision is totally up to you. It’s your responsibility to align your vision with your purpose. Vision has to do with how far you want to carry out your purpose. Vision is a question of size – to what extent do you want to follow and carry out your purpose? How far do you want to go in the direction of your purpose? Vision is painting a picture of how you want to fulfill your purpose. It’s how you see yourself fulfilling your purpose. If purpose is destiny – the end; vision therefore is legacy – the means to the end. Your vision should lead you to fulfill your purpose. Vision leads, while purpose follows. Vision is the extent, purpose the intent. The secret and balance of the two; is using your life according to God’s perspective and creating a vision that conforms to that perspective.

Tito Philips, Jnr.

Monday, October 19, 2009


There is nothing mystical about's simply a product of practical engagement tested and proven principles.success is nothing but the end-product of a,an understanding of the process helps to assure you of the end-product.

You are ordained for the top.all you need is to know the way to get there.God's word says:There is an evil which I have seen under the sun,as an error which proceedeth from the ruler...He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it;and whosoever break an hedge,a serpent shall bite him.whoso remove stone shall be hurt therewith;and he that cleave wood shall be endangered thereb...By much slothfulness the building decayed;and through idleness of the hands the house dropped through.

You must have a clear definition of where you are going.there are few stars because many don't have a defined field.You must have a vision or dream to be a are to discover where you belong!

It takes somebody knowing where he is going to ever think of gething there.if you don't know  where you are going,there is no way of gething there because you don't even know where it is.Direction is a factor,if you must be a star at the top!Lack of direction is the reason for many people's frustration.when jesus christ came to the world,He was able to define his breathen,until you discover and abide where you belong,your star is not in view.
By jacob

Saturday, October 17, 2009

God's control of History

It is God that control every step you have taken from blood and water to human being and has all been initiated,monitored and implemented by God.that you are alive today,the breath you breathe in and even the blood running through your veins is because God has kept you so far as his creature.He created you,He cares for you and He loves you.He is knocking at the door of your heart.Today He is asking to be let in so as to become your father.He want to be more real to you!He wants to dwell in you.

God has protected,preserved and provided for you all life.Almost everything around you are either shaking,stinking,shrinking,shaltering or somersaulting but in God you can have a hiding is only God that can give life to the lifeless,hope to the hopeless and peace to the broken heart,He is in control of your life,believe in him for L(life)-H(hope)-P(peace).

God is the only place of safety,run to him now,your safety is guaranteed 100%.This is God's control of history makes history his story.
By James
Visit http//


When I say life is useless don't be surprise.when you see that the government oppresses the poor and denies their justice and their rights,don't be surprise.for every official is protected by the one over him,and both are protected by still higher officials.
Even a king depends on the harvest.if you love money,you will never be satisfied;even if you long to be rich,you will never get all you is all useless.the richer you are,the more mouth you must feed.all you gain is the knowledge that you are if you have money,don't treat those that does not have any how you like because we don't know what may happen tomorrow,will only see what happen today.and what will do today, will surely become history tomorrow.A working man may or may not have enough to eat,but at least he can get a food night's sleep.while a rich man has so much that he will stay awake thinking and worrying.
So my fellow people,this is what I have found out the best thing anyone can do is to eat and drink and enjoy what your creator has giving you during the short life God has given to humanity,this is man's faith.ALL IS USELESS.
To read more about life visit http// or

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Never before has the question of purpose - "why are we here?" - become so pertinent to the human race as a time like this. It is in the lowly and toughest of times that many look within (internally) for strength and direction when all else without (externally), seem to be falling apart and ask these questions;

"Where Is my place in all of these uncertainty?"
"What role am I created to play in this global scene?"
"What contribution am I expected to make at my current place of work, volunteer group, community, church, family, circle of friends, or school?"

It is funny how the world reacts to such a time as this. Instinctively we do exactly the opposite of what we ought to do every time there is a scarcity of monetary resources. Rather than giving more of ourselves, we tend to withdraw both our scarce (monetary) resources as well as other resources at our disposal and thus limit our possibilities of enjoying abundance in a time of scarcity. We tend to take things slow, more like surrendering ourselves to the prevailing circumstances. Rather than investing more on ourselves and letting the pressure of the scarcity drive us into better opportunities, we simply drift along becoming victims instead of victors of our circumstances.

In a time of scarcity as this, you fight scarcity by doing more with your other resources (such as time, knowledge, natural talents, experience, friends, etc) and sowing your scarce resources (money) on projects, ideas, and any fruitful venture of your choice that releases your potentials. Don't just save your scarce resources in a time of scarcity, INVEST them on your purpose.
 By Tito philip

How can you tell what your purpose is?

Friday, September 25, 2009


faith is that almighty force in the realm of the spirit,that is able to take a man
from the pit of hell and translate into the glorious realm of heavenly
is an ever-winning,never-falling force.

There is nothing in the world that will not answer to faith-be it physically,mentally,
material or spiritual,name it.Everything on earth answers to this powerful force called overcomes all forces of darkness-economic problems,sickness,disease,family disin-
tegration,untimely death and other obstacle you can imagine on earth.

Every problem on earth just move answer to faith and this is why we must seek to understand
and appreciate it.jesus told peter.luke 22:31-32.until your faith fails,you don't become a
failure.once your faith fails, your spiritual life fails.habakkuk 2:4

Faith is a "Take able" is not a psychological thing.Hebrew 11:1 tells us "now
faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not faith is a hand able force which you can't handle without knowing.once it is taken,the taker becomes conscious of the fact that this is faith.Faith is not what some people think it is. Their human dream is a delusion. Because they observe that faith is not followed by good works or a better life, they fall into error, even though they speak and hear much about faith. ``Faith is not enough,'' theysay, ``You must do good works, you must be pious to be saved.

They think that, when you hear the gospel, you start working,creating by your own strength a thankful heart which says, ``I believe.'' That is what they think true faith is. But, because this is a human idea, a dream, the heart never learns anything from it, so it does nothing and reform doesn't come from this faith,'my fellow people,you must have faith in anything you are doing so that it will be proceeding.because a prayer could not be answer without FAITH.
By Timothy

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


knowledge is power and  knowledge is not power,what is this mean is that  knowledge is only potential only become power when it is applied or used.if you do not come to the market with product ,you do not go away with any is the knowledge of this fact that differentiates the rich from the poor.
wealth creation begins in the mind,in the mind are thought and ideas.therefore thoughts have value.the wealthiest countries in the world are built on idaes,an intangible resources.
apply that same knowledge in anything you want to do.apply it the same strategy to yourself and you will see the results.No new knowledge is useful to you until it has an effect in your don't need to know all the way to make money before you can make money,if you apply your knowledge you make money;focus your energy on it until you start seeing the results,I mean in using your knowledge.
so youb can now see that to get anythings,you need to used you should be ready to invest your knowledge,in other to get anythings you want.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


fear is a first expectation appearing real;remove fear from your ways of life because fear of anythings is ten times more terryfying than that things don't fear again, Bold, decisive action. Do something scary. don't let fear immobilizes you. To overcome this fear, you must act. When you act, act boldly.Action gives you the power to change the circumstances or the situation. You must overcome the inertia by doing something.If what you are doing isn't working, do something else. There is an old saying, "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got." If you're not getting the results you want, then you must do something different. Most people stop doing anything at all, and this guarantees they won't be successful.Hey, if nothing else, you know what doesn't work. Failure is a judgement or evaluation of behavior. Look at fear as an event or a happening, not as a person. ask that which you need from the person you think can help,it is then left for him to give or not to give ,it will be greatly barbaric to keep your mouth shot while you are to speak out your needs.
By Sara T.

Monday, September 21, 2009

wisdom is calling out to you all mankind.

                                                             Listen!wisdom is calling out.
                                                               reason is making herself heard.
                                                             On the hilltops near the road.
                                                                and at the cross-roads she stands.
                                                              At the entrance to  the city
                                                                 beside the gates,she calls:
                                                               I appeal to you ,mankind;
                                                                   I call to everyone on earth.
                                                                Are you Immature?learn to be mature.
                                                                   Are you foolish?learn to have sense.
                                                                  Listen to my excellent words;
                                                                     all I tell you is right
                                                                  What I say is the truth;
                                                                        lies are hateful to me.
                                                                   Everything I say is true;
                                                                     nothing is false or misleading.
                                                                   To the man with insight,it is all clear.
                                                                      to the well-informed,it is all plain.
                                                                   Choose my instruction and advice instead
                                                                     of silver;
                                                                   Choose knowledge rather than the finest
                                                                   Listen to me all mankind,listen to what
                                                                      I have say,
                                                                    Be wise;do not neglect it.
                                                                   By Smith

Sunday, September 20, 2009


                                               Lackadaisically is similar in meaning to lazily.
                                                    A lazy man do not really gain anything.
                                                             But if you do what is right,
                                                             You certain to be rewarded.
                                                         A lazy man will never have money,
                                                But an aggressive man will become rich.
                                              A foolish man will always be servant to the wise.
                                                           Hardworking will give you power;
                                                          Being lazy will make you a slave.
                                                    If your goals are good,you will be respected,
                                                             But if you are trouble maker,
                                               If you are looking for trouble,you will definitely see it.
                                       So my people;do not act lackadaisically in anything you are doing.
                                                     Because there is no gain in any lackadaisical acts.
                                                                         If you have hear.
                                                                        Listen to my advice.

                                                           By Smith


when you sit down to eat with an important man,keep in mind who he is.if you have a big appetite,restrain yourself.don't be greedy for the fine food he serves;he may be trying to trick you.
don't eat at the table of a stingy man or be greedy for thr fine food he serves.he may tells you to "come on and have some more,"but he doesn't mean it.what he think is what he really will vomit up what you have eaten and all your flattery will be wasted.
listen to the wise saying my fellow people,be wise and give serious thought to the way you live.don't be anvious of evil people,and don't try to make friends with them because causing trouble is all they ever think about;everytime they open their mouth someone is going to be hurt.

You have to be wise because where there is knowledge,the rooms are furnished with valuable,beautiful things.being wise is better than being strong because knowledge is more important than strength.afterall you must make careful plans before  doing anything and the more good advice you get,the more likely you will be prosper.
if you and your neighbour have a different of opinion,settle it between yourself and do not reveal any secret otherwise everyone will learn that you can't keep a secret,and you will never live down the shame.
A warning given by an experience person to someone willing to listen is more valuable than gold rings or jewellery made of the finest gold
So my fellow people,eat honey;it is good.And just as honey from the comb is sweet on your may now see how WISDOM is good for the get wisdom and you will have a bright future.
By Smith

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Failure is a force-when someone sees this two words failure and force, the first question
that will echo in ones mind is failure and force are they the same?. yes they are not the
same , failure is just a disappointmet in life for just a time not for ever.while force is
when someone pushes something before it will what to say is that, you have to
trouble your trouble so that your trouble will not trouble you again.
so if your expectation fails you,fail not yourself, for a disappoint in life is a stepping
stone to the greatness that is hidden.don't fail to plan ,don't put the chart before the
horse,don't stay in one position,don't be idle to do somethings,don't do last what you are
suppose to do first.please hear my advice for better tomorrow Though sometime you may fail
from what you are doing,yes it sometime happen like that but I assured you that is not the
end of human is just lack of success at a particular time not forever.failure should
be a force like I have said early that pushes somebody to find a solution to a problem and
the best way out of one's problem is to go through my fellow people,if you are doing
somethings in life and is not moving as you wish,dont commit sin by saying what is wrong to
your creator.

We must often be prepared to patiently wait for our efforts to produce results we can see. It is easy to do something and expect immediate results. We many even suspect failure has occurred if we don’t quickly see something tangible happen. But remember that seeds grow underground before you can see them. Sometimes they grow slowly and first establish roots before we see any tangible evidence of life. Those of us who garden learn to wait for the flowers to bloom. In the same way we must be careful not to casually judge an action or event as a failure. It is very possible that not enough time has elapsed to correctly judge the results. That principle holds true in nature and in life.
The second thing about failure is that it is relative to your perspective. Something terrible may happen in your life, but upon close examination you may clearly see a “silver lining”. There is an old Norwegian story about a fisherman who was out to sea with his two sons. The day was very good and they had achieved a large catch that would make anyone proud. But then a storm suddenly appeared that was so fierce and dark they could no longer see the shoreline! The boat rocked and creaked violently and the three men thought they would lose their lives. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they lost their sense of direction and feared they would be lost at sea. Unknown to the fisherman, a tragic fire started at his home about the same time. It began in the kitchen of his cottage and destroyed every possession he had! The fisherman and his sons eventually found their bearings and were able to bring their boat safely ashore. When the men reached the dock, the fisherman’s wife was waiting to meet him with the tragic news of the fire. She uttered while crying, “Karl, a fire has destroyed everything we had”. “We have nothing left!” But the fisherman appeared to be unmoved by her news. She continued, “Karl, are you listening to me…everything is gone!” Karl nodded his head and replied, “Yes dear…I heard you…but a couple of hours ago, the boys and I thought we would die at sea. We were in despair and losing hope we would ever find the shore. Then I saw a dim yellow glow in the distance. We rowed toward it closer and closer and it grew ever larger drawing us toward its light. The same fire that destroyed our home saved our lives!”

Karl understood an important lesson. Failure is often success when we see it from a different point of view. If we have a positive mindset it is virtually impossible to reflect on any event which doesn’t have some good in it, if only we are willing to look for it. In 1872 a severe drought occurred in California that shriveled up a farmer’s entire grape crop. All other farmers considered their crops a failure. However, one farmer sent his “dried up” grapes to a grocery store and they were advertised as Puruvian delicacies. These decimated grapes even began to sell for a premium price far above the cost of fresh grapes! And from this crop failure, we have all been eating raisins since that time! Again, failure is largely determined by our perspective and point of view. If you consider yourself or an event as a failure perhaps another look is in order!
don't stay in one place because the best way for you is to find solution to
your expectation that fail the right thing at the right time.the effect of our action
will just postponed but they are never my fellow people it is better to deal with
something immediately because if you wait unnecessarily,it may become worse or more
difficult and thereby causing extra work for don't delay yourself for tomorrow may be
too late.hear my advice
By moses


Everything that happen in this world happens at the time God chooses.
The time for birth and the time for death.
The time for planting and the time for pulling up.
The time for killing and the time for healing .
The time for tearing down and the time for for building.
The time for sorrow and the time for joy.
The time for mourning and the time for dancing.
The time for making love and the time for not making love.
The time for kissing and the time for not kissing.
The time for finding and the time for loosing.
The time for saving and the time for throwing away.
The time for tearing and time for mending.
The time for silence and the time for talk.
The time to set for love and the time for hate.
The time for war and the time for peace.
I know that everything God does will last can't add anything to it or
take anything from it.And one thing God does is to make us stand in awe of whatever happen or can happen has already happen before,God just
make the same thing happen again and again.
For all the time in the above is all happen to human.And it will continue from
generation to generation.And now hear this we human being living on earth,you
can not use another man's time because we cannot all be rich,we cannot all be
happy,we cannot all be lucky,some will be crying while others will be laughing
more heartily, that is the simple truth of life. though it may be bitter today but
there will be joy tomorrow.pray to your creator(THE GOD ALMIGHTY)and it
shall be well with you.
Like i said above,don't use another man's time.wait for your time.this is my
advice for you people.
By Mayor

Monday, September 14, 2009


When someone ask you what is life,the first thing to do is to sit down and rethink,don't give the person intant answer.because the word life have different meaning.but for me,life is a stage by stage,a stair case where some are going up while some are coming down.The first meaning i will give to life is when a christian sees the muslim not as a true servant of God but the demi-believer who will not be saved because he does not recognise jesus as God and supreme salvationist. The muslim sees christian not as a child of God but confused folk who has gone astray from right way because he does not know the different between master and mudane messenger. And to the traditionist,both muslims and the christians are nothing but complete perpetr-ator of evils and villians. In summary,all I know is that:Any religion whatso-ever that moves away from neighbours's love and kindness to vanity upon vanity and futility upon whatever you are doing do it only God that can reward you.don't think to do bad to your fellow people becausethe good doer and evil doer remember that they can not be rewarded equally the good doer are lovers of God secondly,when we say life is a stage like I have said early where some are active, some are pacesetter,some keep pace with what is going on.why the rest are friend don't just stay in one position,try to have something to do.though satan will come to bamboozle you but don't allow him to bamboozle you to believe him.believe in God because only God is in control tell satan that he can not bamboozle you to believe have already know satan not only an enemy of progress but is also a something that prevent you from achiving your aims.since you don't believe him so shall everythings will be going on smoothly. But remember not to do bad,because what you do for today will become history of my fellow people,my advice for you today is to be doing something good always because what you sow is what you will reap.remember evil and the good doer can not be rewarded equally.if you are finding something better to happen to you try to be good to your neighbours.thanks and God bless you as you making a change to your lifestyle.peace.
By Moses

Saturday, September 12, 2009


The first thing that will echo in your mind is what is "Golden Eagle".Golden eagle is a powerful bird and is among the biggest bird in the world.This powerful eagle is North America's largest bird of prey and the national bird of Mexico. These birds are dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their heads and necks. They are extremely swift, and can dive upon their quarry at speeds of more than 150 miles (241 kilometers) per hour. Golden eagles use their speed and sharp talons to snatch up rabbits, marmots, and ground squirrels. They also eat carrion, reptiles, birds, fish, and smaller fare such as large insects. They have even been known to attack full grown deer.when wind is blowing, favourably golden eagle carry what is bigger than itself as said by sciencetist. Golden eagle pairs maintain territories that may be as large as 60 square miles (155 square kilometers). They are monogamous and may remain with their mate for several years or possibly for life. Golden eagles nest in high places including cliffs, trees, or human structures such as telephone poles. They build huge nests to which they may return for several breeding years. Females lay from one to four eggs, and both parents incubate them for 40 to 45 days. Typically, one or two young survive to fledge in about three months. These majestic birds range from Mexico through much of western North America as far north as Alaska; they also appear in the east but are uncommon. Golden eagles are also found in Asia, northern Africa, and Europe. This following can be see in eagles behaviors: speed,boldness,honour,monogamous,sharp,weight and so on. So my fellow people,don't think where you are is the end of you still have a long way to go because life is a stair case,many are going up while others are coming down.though there will be some difficulties on the road because the road of life is rough,but don't allow anything,I said it again anything to hold you truthful,honest,helpful to your neigbouh.try to be praying to your creator is only him that help you out of your problem.wake up now before it is too late.don't prosphone today's work till tomorrow There is a lot to learn from Eagle.HERE MY ADVICE.

Monday, September 7, 2009


"I feel so frustrated!" As a human being, chances are you've said this many times, either out loud or in your mind. The great thing about accepting you're frustrated is that you've identified and acknowledged what's going on. It's too easy to carry on struggling with something and being unaware that it's causing you frustration. Once you've realized that you're frustrated, you're free to make choices about how you handle it. The way you handle your frustrations is a key to successfully moving on.

One of the first choices you need to make is to shift away from being a victim and from saying "Why me?" or "Why did this have to happen?" Being a victim wastes your time and energy and often leaves you feeling even more frustrated. Instead, make the shift to tapping into your own resourcefulness and discover solutions. Part of the reason we often stay stuck and frustrated is that we don't believe we can do something about it. You are more resourceful than you think.

The first step is to identify specifically what you're feeling frustrated about. It may seem obvious but often when we feel frustration, we start to pile other unrelated things on top of it and this clouds the issue. Specifically naming your frustration is half the battle.

Once you've identified this specifically, then be an observer of yourself. This isn't an opportunity to beat yourself up. It's an opportunity to observe what's going on without judgment, leaving you able to make effective choices. As an observer, you'll often see a different perspective. As you're observing yourself, see what you most need, what's truly important to you and what it will take to move forward quickly. Observe the chatter that's going on in your mind. Is your mind chatter keeping you stuck? What is worth listening to?

One of the best ways to be an observer and to see the situation more clearly is to take a break. Once you've stepped back from the frustration, you'll find it easier to tap into your creativeness and come up with ideas and solutions. Tap into the creative and resourceful part of yourself by asking empowering questions. Empowering questions such as "What is important to me about this?", "What is the intended result?", "What choices are available to me?", or "What is the next action I need to take?" When you're asking these questions, listen carefully for your own response. This is where your own personal resourcefulness will show up and give you the answers and solutions to enable you to move forward. You'll quickly move beyond the frustration and get back to achieving what you want.

When frustrations have occurred, it's well worth getting to the source so that you can handle it once and for all. What often leaves us frustrated is when the same problems come up time and time again. Get to the source of your frustration and from that, learn what needs to change or needs to be done differently in the future. Frustrations can also present an opportunity, although it may not feel like it at the time. They're an opportunity for growth and improvement. Next time you feel frustrated, I invite you to see it as an opportunity.